Ann Marie Benzinger, M.A., M.Div.

Born into a devote Catholic family in N.Y.C., her formation was enriched through Catholic elementary and high school, and a Jesuit university. A move to N.J. brought her contact with people of many cultures and faiths motivating a three year course of study at Caldwell College’s Institute of Biblical and Theological Studies and a Master of Divinity at Immaculate Conception Seminary. A relocation to Florida and ministry as a D.R.E. and Youth Minister resulted in an M.A. from St. Thomas University and graduation from the Audire spiritual direction process. Since a very definite call to ministry was experienced and a choice for a single lay lifestyle was made, for over fifty years, she has been privileged to serve parishes, schools, and dioceses in numerous capacities in the areas of education, ecumenism, social justice, liturgy, etc. The beauty of God’s people, saint or atheist, and daily Mass enrich her love and zeal for the Church. Presently, she is Pastoral Associate for marriage preparation and annulments (trained in Orlando & Seattle), facilitator of Bible sessions, and directs R.C.I.A. (trained by North American Forum) and baptism preparation. She is grateful for the gift of faith and shall spread the gift of Christ for however long or where ever our Lord wishes her to be His instrument.