
Confession Times:

Saturday 10:30-12:00 PM

By appointment– please call the Parish Office at 352-489-3166

All children prepare for First Penance/Reconciliation prior to preparation for First Holy Communion with enough time allotted between the two out of respect for the dignity of each sacrament.

How to go to Confession

     Going to confession may seem unnerving, but most people leave the confessional with a sense of relief, freedom, and/or a heavy burden lifted off of them.

     At St. John’s, weekly confessions are held in the confessional which can be found in the Divine Mercy Chapel/Cry Room off of the narthex on the right. If a priest is present in the confessional, the cross above the door will be lit. Please make sure someone is not in the confessional with the priest before opening the door—others may be sitting in the pews awaiting their chance to go to confession.

     Once inside the confessional you have the choice to kneel behind the screen for anonymity or to sit across from the priest. Begin by saying, “Bless me father, for I have sinned,” and then tell the priest how long it has been since your last confession. Now you will list your sins, including those you didn’t confess at your last confession. You do not need to be overly specific with your sins (example: I stole a book on gardening from Mr. Jones on February 2 at 3:00). Instead, list those sins, especially mortal sins that you have committed since your last confession (example: I stole a book).

     Confession is not the time for lengthy discussions with the priest. If you wish to have more time, please make an appointment through the office.

     After confessing your sins and answering any questions that the priest might ask, listen as Father prays for you and the forgiveness of your sins. You should be asked to make a good Act of Contrition:

“Oh my God I am heartily sorry for having offended you and I detest all my sins because of your just punishment but mostly because they offend You, my God who are all good and deserving of my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.”

(The Act of Contrition has a few different forms. If this is not the one you learned, don’t worry. Use the one you learned.)

     As you are praying the Act of Contrition or right afterwards, the priest will bestow upon you the forgiveness of Christ. Note: it is not the priest who forgives your sins but Jesus himself, working through the priest.

     The priest will give you a penance to say. If the penance is a form of prayer, please leave the confessional after thanking the priest and sit or kneel in a pew and say your penance reverently. If your penance is an action (pulling weeds, apologizing to someone, repaying what was stolen, etc.) complete it within the next few days so that you do not forget.