
Altar Servers

Adults and children who have received their 1st Holy Communion are encouraged to help Father and the deacons in the sanctuary. Volunteers will be trained how and when to follow the clergy, carry the candles, assist with Communion preparation, and more.

Communion at Home

“Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord”  (James 5:14). St John’s has trained volunteers who can bring Holy Communion to the sick and home bound. We ask that you contact […]


Have you ever wondered who waters the plants inside the church? Who changes the sanctuary each week? That is our environment crew. If you have an eye for interior design or a green thumb, we want you!

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

What is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? Canon 910 provides:§1. The ordinary minister of Holy Communion is a bishop, a priest or a deacon.§2. The extraordinary minister of Holy Communion is an acolyte, or another of Christ’s faithfuldeputed in accordance with canon 230§3. Canon 230:§3. Where the needs of the Church require and ministers […]


We are deeply sorry for your loss. The loss of a loved one is a time of tremendous grief as well as a time of intense hope. While our loved ones will no longer walk this earth with us, as a people of faith we seek the day when we will walk with them in […]

Latin Pronunciations

Music Ministry

At St. John’s we have a choir that sings at each Weekend Mass.A children’s choir is being developed through the CFF program. Importance of Singing (New Roman Missal 3rd Edition 39-41) The Christian faithful who come together as one in expectation of the Lord’s coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together Psalms, […]


Proclaiming the Word of God is a honor that the laity can share with the clergy by reading the first and second readings at Mass. Readers are needed for weekday and weekend Masses.


Have you ever planned a party? We have all gone to lots of parties, but if you have never planned one you know that it doesn’t just happen all by itself. A good party requires planning and preparation. It takes work which most partygoers never see. Mass doesn’t happen all by itself, either. Every Eucharist […]


PowerPoint At each weekend Mass and on Holy Days we offer a PowerPoint presentation so the congregation can follow along. Staff prepare the slide shows but each Mass needs a volunteer to advance the slides. A remote control is used so that you can sit in a pew and participate in the Mass. For information […]


Ministers of Hospitality, also known as Ushers are the first people to make contact with those attending Mass. The ministry takes up the offertory collection, distributes bulletins, holds the front door, and helps find seats. Ushers are required to be fingerprinted and have a background check every five (5) years.