Parish News

Volunteer at Mass

Please consider helping at whatever Mass you attend on the weekend. We are short of Altar servers, Powerpoint presenters, sacristans, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion,… more

Food Drive

During the month of October, the Food Pantry will be collecting toilet paper and peanut butter. Please drop off your donation in the bins that… more

Coffee and Fellowship

Join us for coffee and fellowship! Different organizations provide refreshments after the Sunday Masses. Donations are always accepted to help cover the costs of food… more

New Dates for Photo Appointments

Did you Miss the Directory Photo Appointments? New dates are available: Friday, February 21, 12-6:30 Friday, February 22, 10-4 To make an appointment, sign onto… more


Join us on Tuesdays from 10-3 for over 20 bingo games. Lunch is also available. more

Holiday Deadlines

Due to our publisher’s holiday schedule, all articles for the 12/22, 12/29, & 1/5 bulletins are due no later than Monday, December 6 at 9am.… more

Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12 at 6 pm followed by fellowship featuring Latino cuisine. more