
Bible Study & Reflection : Sundays 11:45 A.M.

Our scripture session is a group of seekers like you who look at the text, its relationship to the historical period and events, the author, the type of literature, and its meaning. Since the Bible itself states it cannot stand alone (John 20:30; 21:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:15; 2 John 1:12; 3Jn 1:13-14), passages are often related to the tradition and teachings of the Church over the past 2000 years. Consideration is also given to the impact of the Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation on the Bible and Christian unity. The reflection helps in the understanding of the Bible as an inspired text and encourages us to develop a genuine morality and spirituality on our daily Christian journey.

Meet the Facilitator.

In-Depth Study of the Parables

Jesus began speaking in parables because of the hardness of many people’s hearts. Our journey through the parables continues every Wednesday at 3 pm in the hall. “Come and See” the wisdom of the parables explained as you continue to grow in the Catholic faith. Please bring your bibles to enhance the journey.

The study meets on Wednesdays in the hall at 3:00 PM.

Meet the Facilitator

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process through which the non-baptized, and those baptized in other Christian traditions, delve into teachings (catechetical, moral and spiritual), and are prepared to receive all or some of the sacraments of initiation, namely, Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist (Holy Communion).

For non-Catholics, there is a period of inquiry, encouraging one to fully explore and question any Catholic beliefs and practices held during the Church’s 2000 years of existence. Once this inquiry period has ended, a commitment may be made. This commitment to proceed begins the period of pre-sacramental instructions which will culminate in the celebration of the sacrament(s) desired. Thereafter, each person, like the other members of the Church, commits to lifelong faith formations and growth (spiritual, moral, intellectual, and pastoral). This is done through attending as many parish retreats, bible studies and doctrinal instructions, as is possible; also engaging in active stewardship of time, talent and treasure. Simply put, the person makes a lifelong commitment to follow the Lord Jesus as a practicing Catholic Christian.

The group process is facilitated by a team of trained and qualified Catholic women and men of different vocational backgrounds – medicine, real estate, law, military, and education, and people originally from different religious backgrounds – Buddhist, Jewish, Protestant, and cradle Catholics. This diversity, coupled with various methods of presentation on numerous topics, is a rich source of interest for adults so much so that fully initiated Catholics have sat in on sessions just for enrichment.  You, also, are invited and most welcomed to join us.

Meet the OCIA Coordinator.