

A parent’s responsibility for a child’s spiritual formation is of utmost importance. That responsibility begins with the sacrament of Baptism, which removes original sin and incorporates the child into the community of the Body of Christ. Baptism also puts a child on a path to life-long spiritual formation and relationship with Christ and His Church.

Provide this great blessing for your child by contacting AnnMarie for a parent preparation session. Please notify the office six weeks in advance. If the child is seven years of age or older, there will also be a referral to MaryAlice Hogan, the Faith Formation Coordinator so that the faith of your child can be enlightened through education.


The gifts of the Holy Spirit given at baptism are enriched and brought to greater fruition in the Sacrament of Confirmation. The sacramental anointing with chrism and indelible sealing of the Holy Spirit “incorporates us more firmly into Christ, strengthens our bond with the Church, associates us more clearly with her mission and helps us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1316).

For youth through 12th grade, please contact MaryAlice.

If you are an adult Catholic parishioner who has not celebrated confirmation, contact AnnMarie.

Communion – Holy Eucharist

“The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic lives.” All graces flow to us from the Eucharist. The Eucharist, the risen and glorified Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, is the perpetuation of Calvary, the sacrificial banquet. Throughout history, God relates with us in a covenant manner; He made covenant with His people through Noah, Abraham (Isaac, Jacob …), Moses, David, etc. This sacrament is the fullness and the fulfillment of all covenants. Jesus Christ instituted it as the “New Way” to worship God in the covenant manner: “new covenant in my blood.”

First Communion for children is through the Children’s Faith Formation Program.

Adults participate in the Right/Order of Christian Initiation (RCIA/OCIA) for Adults


The sacrament of penance is also called the sacrament of reconciliation, the sacrament of conversion, or confession. Christ instituted this sacrament immediately after his resurrection as stated in John 20:21- 23. The Sacrament of Baptism washes away original sin and any sins committed before baptism; the Sacrament of Penance forgives sins committed after baptism. We can acknowledge our sins privately and ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness. However, when we are conscious of a serious or mortal sin, we are bound by Jesus and the Church to go to confession (1 John 5:16-17).

Reconciliation takes place Saturday evening at 3pm (or by appointment).

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is not just a prayerful blessing, it is one of the seven sacraments instituted by Christ Himself; it is an encounter with Christ, administered through the priest, whereby the spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of one’s life are touched by the gentle healing hands of Christ. Whether it is physical or emotional problems, whether needed by the young, at middle age or for the frailty of the elderly, Christ in His compassion foresaw the need for us to seek his healing touch.

If you wish a priest to visit a family member or have communion brought to the hospital, please call the office with the name of the patient, hospital, and room number. If you go into the hospital for an emergency and need a priest, request that the hospital call the closest Catholic Church.

For sick or for the dying, call (352) 489-3166
Monday – Thursday | 9am – 4pm


Weddings are beautiful celebrations initiating a life-long covenant relationship and commitment of marriage; an “I do” to an unknown future of self-sacrificing love and encompassing both joyful and challenging moments. The Sacrament of Marriage unites two people, a man and a woman, who become one flesh in Christ.

Marriage preparation involves special instructions for the couple getting married. Notify the wedding coordinator six months in advance. Contact the parish office for more information (352) 489-3166

Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders comprises bishops, priests and deacons. The bishops are the successors of the Apostles. The sacrament has been passed down from Christ who called his chosen ones to be ordained.

If you are curious or feel called to the priesthood or religious life, contact your parish priest or call the Office of Vocations at 1-407-246-4876.